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at the Mercedes station they made an expensive repair, what documents to take from them and can I count on a refund 19%
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 8 answers
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It's all right, old man. This is the invoice, as we call it, this is such an invoice for payment without VAT, then this invoice will indicate: ALV=0, this happens in large hardware stores, in household appliances stores. Then the inspection of the goods at the border is not carried out, and the return will be. And the fact that the growling rrrrrrr_rryorr had a "forced" repair is completely unimportant for the customs authority, no matter how many exclamation marks after the word "repair" there ... Farther...
Dear tourists and representatives of tour companies. Please advise me a tour of Europe. Travel period: from the end of May to the whole of June. Wishes: The budget for the purchase of the tour is close to 400 euros. Duration up to 10 days. I'm all for night travel. I would like 2 full days in Barcelona and with an overnight stay in it. And also with the opportunity to visit the Salvador Dali Museum. Interested in everything ... promotions, early booking ...
10 years ago  •  5 subscribers 20 answers
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Accord has two tours that match your description But they have normal prices when booking six months in advance, so it will be more expensive for May-June. Farther...
8 years ago  •  13 subscribers 50 answers
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So the person therefore asked that he had not yet decided on the region. In the same way, they ask about Turkey and France. There are only 7 types of climatic zones on Earth, how did it turn out to be 5 in Spain? Farther...
The question of interest is this - if purchases are made in Germany and Austria, and the exit from the Schengen zone will be Hungary or Poland, then how is it right to do everything in order to return the money. Interested in actions that need to be correctly performed abroad. Which border guards should stamp Austrian and German? Where can I get them if there is no border control anymore. Or all the same, at the exit from Schengen, ask the Hungarians ... Who faced, write, please! Thanks in advance!
13 years ago  •  4 subscribers 11 answers
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Everything was written to you correctly. In Ukraine, tax-free is mainly handled by Privetbank. Customs officers pass through the car (if you are traveling by train), enter the compartment, where they are invited and check (or sometimes not) the purchased goods. But there is an undercurrent here - to Ukraine duty-free as far as it is possible to introduce goods? - I don’t remember exactly - 200-300 euros ?? And how much will you show them receipts for purchases? Just as the conductor once exp ... Farther...
I want to buy a musical instrument (double bass, for personal use) for 2500€. How much will the tax be and what problems can arise at customs?
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 31 answer
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In general, 30% of this thousand euros is 300 euros, or if there is an excess in weight, then 4 euros per kilogram in excess of the allowed fifty. But you won’t insist that your instrument is exactly 2500, you can insist that it’s 2000, or even 1500. Make a check with your seller in any commission, they’ll charge you fifty kopecks of euros, and that’s it. And if by plane, then, I repeat once again, you don’t need to draw up anything. If you fly with Aeroflot and they give you a double bass tick ... Farther...
I would like to relax with children, show them nature in Germany, take a walk in the forest, in general, active holidays in the mountains. I also heard that you can live in a house with the owners, where there are animals and you can help them with the housework.
12 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
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Hey come and visit us in Oberwiesenthal, the highest CITY in Germany. Super holiday in winter and summer. Nearby - the Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary, 35 km from us. Dresden - 75 km, Munich - 450 - 3 hours by car. In the summer you can walk around the neighborhood, we have various holidays and sports competitions here. In March, for example, there was the Masters Cup in cross-country skiing. There were many participants from Russia - about 300 people. There were many medals. In general, come Farther...
I am going from a travel agency to go on an excursion to Spain, a bus tour, entry through Hungary, return also through Hungary. The next question is, can I fly to Germany on the way back from Hungary? that is, leave the group, do not enter Ukraine and extend your trip? If the tourist visa is open for a month, can I stay in Europe until the end of the month? will there be any problems, because the tour is designed for 7 days, 3 of them in Spain
8 years ago  •  9 subscribers 39 answers
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If you apply to the visa center for a visa based on the purchase of a group tour, 99.99% that the visa will be given exactly for the duration of the tour. And you will have to return to Huaraina with the group. In order to get a multiple entry for 180, 360 or more days, you need to apply individually, by business or private invitation. Farther...