Related questions: What not to take in hand luggage Egypt

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What can and cannot be taken as hand luggage on a plane?
17 years ago  •  6 subscribers 17 answers
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can i bring something sweet? chupiki, sweets, chewing gum, kirieshki? Farther...
People who have recently flown, tell me: is it possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on the plane: mango, melon, strawberry ... When departing from Sharm el-Sheikh? Or is it only in luggage?
6 years ago  •  23 subscribers 45 answers
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It is possible and necessary!!! call George Clooney viber +201090161408, he sends his minibus to your hotel, a large selection of fruits --- dates, mangoes, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, everything is half a dol. per kg, strawberries are more expensive, they pack everything in a box for you, they make a pen and you can easily take it with you in your hand luggage. They will also take you back to the hotel for free, for all other goods they also have normal prices, I took coffee, embroidered ... Farther...
Tell me please: You can carry up to 20 kg in checked baggage free of charge. Is this for one person? And if we fly together, then 40? Does the number of pieces of baggage matter? Can you carry vodka and cigarettes in your luggage? How much weight and how many pieces can I carry in hand luggage?
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 22 answers
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20 kg for one the number of luggage places does not matter :) you can 1 suitcase for two, then its weight should not exceed 40 kg vodka and cigarettes - in luggage 1 liter of vodka per person hand luggage - 5kg per person Farther...
Good afternoon everyone. Perhaps this question has already been asked, then sorry. We are going with a child of 12 years old to Egypt, Sharm in June. Question: what to take with you, and how not to overload the suitcase. THX
7 years ago  •  20 subscribers 59 answers
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But you practically packed a suitcase. Everything has been thought of. Shared experience. Have a nice holiday! Farther...