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"As the poor man lives, then the day is small." Just gathered in China, so there is this virus. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. From the introduction of a state of emergency with a complete ban on entry into the country to that all this is nothing. But we cannot understand - should we book Hainan for March or not? ((
4 years ago  •  13 subscribers 52 answers
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We are flying to Hainan on January 27. We really wanted to cancel the trip ... but, nevertheless, we are flying ... we will return, I will tell you. Mixed feelings, the mood is clearly spoiled ... I took a respirator 95 with me, we will put it on at the airport, we will try not to roam around closed crowded rooms ... and the appetite has already disappeared for all the local yummy .... But, let's enjoy nature more ... here .... Farther...
Were several times with children 7 and 10 years old in Egypt, we think this year in Thailand. Tell me if it's worth changing the place of rest.
7 years ago  •  13 subscribers 92 answers
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Dear Kolhoznic, have you definitely been to Pattaya? Or do you just want to spoil the rest of the family with small children? Or you just have never seen a clean sea, and therefore it seems clean to you in Pattaya. I love Thailand very much and we have been to different places, so I am writing a truthful and objective review. After the Red Sea, people will be very disappointed with the sea in Pattaya. They have a high bar now in assessing the sea. In Tai, there is something similar only on the P ... Farther...
vacation according to the schedule for November and November 24 silver wedding. I want to go with my wife. It seems like a gift.
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 26 answers
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if you were planning a beach holiday then Turkey is definitely NOT an option it will be cold to sunbathe I'm not talking about swimming in the sea Maybe to Egypt? it will definitely be warm there. Farther...
7 years ago  •  30 subscribers 68 answers
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When you talk about the duration of the flight here, do not forget that Russia is not only Moscow and its environs. For me, it takes 7 hours to fly from Novosibirsk to Bangkok, or to Egypt. And to Antalya 6 hours. And for the inhabitants of the Far East, Turkey will be more exotic than Vietnam and Thailand. Farther...
They wanted to go to Egypt with a child on January 8-10, but many dissuade, they say, the weather is bad there at that time and the sea is cold. Guess who was...
15 years ago  •  19 subscribers 34 answers
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Thank you, Alexander. In general, what is surprising is that our Russian people live modestly in everyday life, they are satisfied with the service in stores, in the south we have housing that is not cheap anywhere, and they lie on towels on the beach, and the weather on the Black Sea is not very hot, the sea is not very hot ... Then they come to Egypt. Not only do they not give a lot of money, they start arguing at the hotel, they blame the service, and the weather is + 26 in January, it’ ... Farther...