Related questions: Is it possible to export medicines from Thailand

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Hello! For the first time we gathered in Tai, I read that everyone is bringing fruit home: tell me how to transport them if the food is not with a suitcase, but with a bag, I'm afraid they will wrinkle? Where is the best place to buy them and which ones? How much can you take with you? Well, about alcohol: I want to bring local MCH beer home, can I? And how much? Thanks for answers!
13 years ago  •  13 subscribers 25 answers
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We brought fruits in a special foam box, which are sold in supermarkets. Before departure, the fruit in this box was put in the refrigerator. I recommend fruit rambutan, lard, mango, pineapple. Beer - CHANG, SINGHA. Bottles of 0.650 l. Farther...
customs pass? I have a friend who was going to bring a crab or a lobster to her mother in Novosibirsk, so we are wondering if customs will let such luggage through?
14 years ago  •  7 subscribers 51 answer
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going to carry a live crab? Farther...
what you definitely need to buy useful and interesting things you can buy in Thailand, everyone is interested ...
11 years ago  •  12 subscribers 16 answers
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Dried durian, original wallets with bone inserts. Farther...
People who have recently flown, tell me: is it possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on the plane: mango, melon, strawberry ... When departing from Sharm el-Sheikh? Or is it only in luggage?
6 years ago  •  23 subscribers 45 answers
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It is possible and necessary!!! call George Clooney viber +201090161408, he sends his minibus to your hotel, a large selection of fruits --- dates, mangoes, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, everything is half a dol. per kg, strawberries are more expensive, they pack everything in a box for you, they make a pen and you can easily take it with you in your hand luggage. They will also take you back to the hotel for free, for all other goods they also have normal prices, I took coffee, embroidered ... Farther...
7 years ago  •  14 subscribers 18 answers
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He brought 15 kg of mangoes and 10 kg of pomegranates. For fidelity, I took greener fruits, wrapped them in toilet paper, secured them with adhesive tape on top. Farther...
how much can you take out and is it possible at all
11 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
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We had shells and dry starfish in our luggage, seven bottles of rum. Farther...
From Greece we plan to bring all sorts of food "souvenirs" such as oil, wine, olives, feta, etc. As a rule, such products are sold (and better preserved) in glass jars and bottles or in tin containers (jars and containers). How can you carry all this on an airplane? Will they make you throw glass containers out of your hand luggage? And won't they throw it all away at the baggage screening? It is the subtleties of the "aircraft" baggage rules that are of interest, and not the customs ones (everything seems to be clear with them :)). We fly non-stop, on a regular flight, UIA, Kyiv-Athens-Kyiv. Thank you in advance!!!
11 years ago  •  10 subscribers 15 answers
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In hand luggage it is possible only from duty free, because. you have already passed all the customs officers. And so they will force you to either leave it or pack it in your luggage. this is clear. They even take the mineral water out of hand. But in duty everything is very expensive. So buy at home an oilcloth for packing (such a pimply one) and immediately pack it into your suitcases. Farther...
Good afternoon! Tell me, how can I carry fruits in hand luggage or check in luggage?
11 years ago  •  8 subscribers 10 answers
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Hard (coconut, pineapple, mangosteen) - in luggage, soft, like mango - in hand luggage. Be careful with special baskets, there are different troubles at different airports, but our border guards and customs officers know these baskets by sight very well. If they want fruit, you will have trouble. It is optimal, as in my opinion, to put a hard box into an ordinary bag or a hand luggage suitcase, and fruits into it. Farther...