Related questions: What is included in hand luggage on an airplane

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Tell me please: You can carry up to 20 kg in checked baggage free of charge. Is this for one person? And if we fly together, then 40? Does the number of pieces of baggage matter? Can you carry vodka and cigarettes in your luggage? How much weight and how many pieces can I carry in hand luggage?
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 22 answers
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20 kg for one the number of luggage places does not matter :) you can 1 suitcase for two, then its weight should not exceed 40 kg vodka and cigarettes - in luggage 1 liter of vodka per person hand luggage - 5kg per person Farther...
5 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
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It is necessary to clarify which gyro scooter? If a child weighing about 5 kg can and will pass, and if an adult weighs 10-14 kg, then most likely you will have to pay extra, but I can’t understand why he is in the cabin? It's easier to check in luggage. Farther...
People who have recently flown, tell me: is it possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on the plane: mango, melon, strawberry ... When departing from Sharm el-Sheikh? Or is it only in luggage?
6 years ago  •  23 subscribers 45 answers
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It is possible and necessary!!! call George Clooney viber +201090161408, he sends his minibus to your hotel, a large selection of fruits --- dates, mangoes, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, everything is half a dol. per kg, strawberries are more expensive, they pack everything in a box for you, they make a pen and you can easily take it with you in your hand luggage. They will also take you back to the hotel for free, for all other goods they also have normal prices, I took coffee, embroidered ... Farther...
I don't understand something: Import of products of animal origin Such products cannot be imported without veterinary control. However, a veterinary certificate is not required for: • products that are part of personal luggage during the trip; •baby food and products used for medical reasons; • food for pets weighing up to 1 kg. All imported products must be declared and packaged in undamaged containers. Note: Without a certificate, you cannot import meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs, lard, etc.
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 16 answers
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And the products needed during the trip are a sandwich with sausage or cheese, or both. If, when necessary, you can convince that 2 loaves of servilat is your usual oversus - then take it boldly! Farther...
What can and cannot be taken as hand luggage on a plane?
17 years ago  •  6 subscribers 17 answers
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can i bring something sweet? chupiki, sweets, chewing gum, kirieshki? Farther...
electronic cigarette is not disposable
10 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
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I carried an electronic cigarette in my luggage, there were no problems. Farther...
We fly with flydubai on the plane will not be fed (you can order food, but they say it's expensive), they said that you can't bring anything with you, even water. But like 4-4.5 hours without water, without anything. Maybe you can still, at least a small bottle of 0.5 liters? And can I have some cookies, bars, sweets. Or do you still recommend ordering food? Also tell me, when you fly on an airplane, can you use your mobile phone as an mp3 player? I will be flying for the first time, I don’t know anything about airplanes at all ... Is it possible to take pictures on an airplane? And yet, maybe a very strange question, but still - is there a kettle, cups in this hotel in the rooms? If you take a kettle or a boiler with you at customs, there will be no questions about this? And if there is a small kitchen knife in the luggage, - nothing?
12 years ago  •  12 subscribers 23 answers
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1. Drinks and food on the stand says that you can’t bring it on board the plane, but if you really want it, you can. You put it in your bag (which flies with you as hand luggage) and calmly go through the control (they won’t tell you anything at all). But maybe tightened the rules for Euro 2012. Then they will just politely ask you to throw it in the trash (there are trash bins right there). 2. It is advisable to turn off the mobile phone. It still works at radio frequencies - this can lead to ... Farther...