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I bought a tour to this hotel with a friend, I climbed all the sites, I just don’t understand what central air conditioning is in this hotel? regulated from room? are the beaches clean?
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 7 answers
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Central air conditioning is ventilation, heating and also air conditioning, and all this is controlled from a computer hanging on the wall. Farther...
It is clear that the hotel does not have its own beach (according to reviews, what the older brother "allocated" from his beach was busy in advance and for a long time). In this regard, questions: have there been thefts of personal belongings and money on a public beach? And where, in this case, to keep them - do not take a card from the room with you into the sea .... Is the toilet only paid?
12 years ago  •  1 subscriber 2 answers
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Guests of the Isrotel Ganim 3 * can use the municipal beach near the hotel for free. The beach of the Isrotel Dead Sea 5 * hotel is now being expanded, so it is possible that from September Ganim's guests will be able to use its beach. Farther...
Are we going to Utopia? Turkey 2 times. Were in KEMER. Even scary all the reviews are different. Is the coast really as terrible as they write about it?
10 years ago  •  11 subscribers 35 answers
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mob_74 Sorry.. didn't understand the question! You are asking about the Utopia World 5 * beach, and not about Kemer. Wasn't there. I looked through the pictures, judging by the pictures, the beach is really not impressive. And the water is cloudy (the sand is muddy), and the shore itself is rocky, sprinkled with boulders ... Farther...
A question to connoisseurs of Sharma! Are there potentially safe beaches (in terms of closeness, distance from the sea, or something else), where the probability of meeting sharks should be much less than on others?
14 years ago  •  9 subscribers 16 answers
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To date, no hotel in Sharm has a 100% security guarantee. It is very important to understand the danger, the unpredictability and (so far, anyway) the inexplicability of the situation. Farther...
Tell me, is there a paid beach with a shower and toilet on the shore of El Fanar among the complex of beaches belonging to different hotels? I want to consider a Dive Inn hotel or something similar on a budget. I would like to be not tied to the hotel beach, about which they write in reviews that it is small, cramped and without a toilet. Maybe there is a more comfortable paid beach nearby in the same bay of El Fanar? What is the price? I choose El Fanar beach because of the lack of waves and the beauty of the reef.
14 years ago  •  4 subscribers 16 answers
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Thank you girls for your replies! I hope I won't be disappointed! For March we have Pegasus in Hadaba Aida, Tivoli Tropicana, Amar Sina, Dive Inn. According to reviews, the most decent of all Dive Inns. I will choose, maybe more options will be thrown closer to the trip! Farther...
Please advise a resort and a hotel for a holiday in the second half of April. Wishes for the hotel: outside the city / village limits, its own beach, small and cozy with its own territory for 1-2
6 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
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You specify the country or + - how much money you want to spend. Otherwise, you will choose from Honduras to Africa Farther...